You can make the return within 14 days of receipt of the jewelry with a full refund, shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.
Requested the refund will stop counting the 14 legal days for the return request.
Ansuini will send you a communication with shipping costs within 24 hours.
Upon receipt of the communication will resume the days of return pending your approval.
Ansuini will check the returned jewelry, for any discrepancy from the original condition, a refund will not be possible.

Refunds will be processed using the same payment method as the original purchase.

No returns can be made for custom rings.
Free changes can be made on ring size within 2 numbers. Shipping costs are borne by the customer.

No returns can be made for custom necklaces. Shipping costs are borne by the customer.

No returns can be made for customized bracelets. Shipping costs are borne by the customer.